Townsend 2 taiwan

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Oct 7th - Another letter...

Well. Taiwan is fantastic. The weather is cooling down and in reality it probably isn't that cold, but I think I am too use to the tropical island weather. I feel like this is my home, so everything that happens feels pretty natural at this point so let me give you a run down of last week...
Ma jiang mian. Probably have already mentioned it before but its just that good! Its sesame sauce noodles. I really like it, the best is probably Bro. Wan's from Hualian branch. Its got a bit different taste. At first I wasn't the biggest fan of it, but now its awesome. We can even get the noodles cold which taste fantastic on a hot day.
Liu sheng wen aka Seven (Its His English name, we asked why he chose it, he said it was easy to remember, and during count offs he was seven) He is the barber we met our first day down here. We shared the message of the Restoration and he loved it. He was asking questions, pondering the things, and playing an active part in listening. Maybe my favorite part of it was watching him as we taught it. I could see the spirit work on him. His countenance changed, it was if something was working in him and yet he probably himself didn't even know of it. Its kind of in the Book of Mormon as you read of Alma, Ammon, Aaron, and those others as they teach, the people being taught start having a change and ask questions. I know its not me, it is the spirit. I really don't have that amazing chinese or ability to teach, it is simply the spirit. We also gave him a copy of the Book of Mormon. He was really excited to dig into it. We went over to follow up with him about his prayer and the Book of Mormon and he said he started but wasn't quite sure, he said teach me how to read this book. So we will. I am so excited. Also he said he would help us out so we also start meeting with his wife as well.
Well we called a phone referral we received and I asked if him we can meet and he could bring a friend and he said he would. Well he brought his girlfriend, he is excited to be at church and wants to make it a goal to be there every week if he can. He will have a hard time though, military man , but what I liked with meeting with Bro. Qiu was when we invited him to be baptized and to prayer for us and he would really nervous and would grab his chest (at the same time he was really excited as well) He was like a little kid.
Well many more great people, but time is a little short. However the greatest is Christ and I could feel him guiding us along this week.
Lots of Love,
Elder Townsend

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